Attention Aviation Medical Examiners!
As an Aviation Medical Examiner, “Flight Medicals” are the core of your business. While Statements of Demonstrated Ability are a part of what you do, examining and evaluating a person’s vision and physical health are necessary to meet one end: whether or not to issue an FAA Medical Certificate. offers a rare opportunity to build a great website on a keyword rich, two word, top-level, premium domain.
$ 12,999 USD
You can Buy, Lease to Own or Rent this Domain
Free Ownership transfer
Free Transaction support
Secure Payments
When considering the value of a domain name, remember that your Domain Name represents you and your business each and every day, even while you sleep. You can make that perpetual presence count with is a great domain name that sets you apart from your competitors, is easy to remember and hard to forget! It tells Pilots and ATC Controllers exactly what you do. At your GOOD NAME has been our business for over 20 years.
Let’s work together to make this perfect digital asset yours.
Thank you for visiting! We recognize decisions as important as the purchase of a business or a Domain Name are not made lightly. Working with a trusted person at a reputable organization is a key part of success in many businesses.
Domain Names USA has been in business locally in South Florida and on in the internet for over 20 years. We will work with you to buy and sell domain names using our access to a huge portfolio of millions of registered internet addresses alongside our trusted associates.
We offer very easy and flexible payment terms and guarantee your satisfaction. Click here to Contact us directly or to discuss options and additional services. We look forward to hearing from you. Your satisfaction is our guarantee.